Requests are taken for private breeding with mare or stallion of your choice. You stand for any additional costs such as transportation and we stand for the most professional care and handling that can be offered. We do live covers that is supervised by several people to ensure a more safe and controlled enviroment.
We will fully document the process in both images and text to give you the most information - and possibly, also a memory - from the moment that the mare has conceived.
When you make a request, you send it to with the subject line [Requested Breeding]. The request should include the name of your horse, images and any additional information and/or questions. We do not have a strict procedure when it comes to breeding in order to adapt our business to the horses and you, the customer.
[ When you decide that you want a horse bred, you must send this particular horse as a private file via e-mail. When the mare has foaled, you will have this file returned with the foal, and we can assure you that the horse will not be kept.
Alternatively, if it's possible, we will send you the file of your pregnant mare.
Naming should be done upon initial request. If you have not made a request, I will pick a name personally. The HMS prefix will be, and should be, retained. ]
Our stallions and premier broodmares are all of excellent quality with desirable attributes and personalities. We breed to sell horses for all and any pursposes. When a horse is for sale, you will see so in our [FOR SALE] section. Each and every horse will have their own page so that you can find the horse most suitable to your needs.
We only sell horses of the Salerno breed currently.
[ We only do Private Sales for now, ensuring that you will be the only customer of a specific horse. You are free to sell this horse later for any reason, but the HMS prefix should always be retained! ]
[ ADDITIONAL: All horses have their own folder in which images, texts, certificates etc. are stored. Upon purchase of any horse, you will receive the contents of these folders as well in a .zip package. I cannot guarantee that all folders are as big as the other, with older horses having a larger sized folder with more images and texts, but most folders will contain something that may be nice to the new owner. ]